International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations


Program Committee
  • Kohei Arai, Japan
  • Nader Bagherzadeh, USA
  • Buket Barkana, USA
  • Wolfgang Bein, USA
  • Vieira Dias, Brazil
  • Laxmi Gewali, USA
  • Salim Hariri, USA
  • Huan Liu, USA
  • Bozena Mannova, Czech Rep.
  • James McCaffrey, USA
  • Teruya Minamoto, Japan
  • Anna Scaglione, USA
  • Hal Sudborough, USA
  • Christoph Thuemmler, UK
  • Ping Wang, USA

Submission - ()

Authors should submit a 6-page version of their original and unpublished work including 5 keywords to their respective track via Easychair electronically, in the PDF or Word format. ONLY ONE AUTHOR CAN BE DESIGNATED AS THE CORRESPONDING AUTHOR. Papers that do not fit the scope of any of the existing sessions, should be submitted to the ITNG General Track. Initial submissions must remove author names, affiliations, and any other self-identifying information for coding and blind review purposes. Author information will be added in the final submission of accepted papers. Per ITNG policy, all papers will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings. Selected papers presented in the conference will be considered for publication in a special issue of an international journal.